[대변인실보도452-미백악관논평93] 바이든〈정부〉는 북침핵전쟁도발을 비롯한 대북적대시책동을 중단하고 핵전쟁의 화근 주남미군을 철거하라!

바이든<정부>는 북침핵전쟁도발을 비롯한 대북적대시책동을 중단하고 핵전쟁의 화근 주남미군을 철거하라!

1. 바이든<정부>의 침략적 군사행동이 위험천만한 수준에 이르렀다. 미군은 지난 21일 코리아반도에 B-52H 전략폭격기 2대를 전개해 북에 대한 핵공격위협을 노골화했다. B-52H는 일본항공자위대전투기 12대의 밀착엄호를 받으며 동중국해와 규슈상공을 거쳐 코리아반도동해상에서 핵폭격연습을 감행한 것으로 알려졌다. 미·일은 앞서 15일부터 수일간 코리아반도 해역에서 이지스구축함을 동원해 합동대잠수함연습을 실시하는 등 군사적 결탁을 강화하고 있다. 뿐만아니라 주남미군특수전사령부는 지난 13일 미특수전사령부내 <참수작전>투입부대인 <합동최종공격통제관(JTAC)> 등 핵심전력을 동원해 티크나이프북침전쟁연습을 자행했다.

2. 대북적대시책동은 북침핵전쟁책동이자 제국주의침략책동이다. 바이든<정부>는 취임이래 끊임없이 합동군사연습을 자행하고 핵무력증강을 획책하면서 대북선제핵공격기도를 드러냈다. 그럼에도 29일 미국무부는 <북에 적대적 의도를 품고 있지 않다>, <전제조건 없이 북과 만날 준비가 돼있다>면서 기만적인 대화제의를 떠들었다. 최근 미국은 오커스결성과 호주핵잠기술이전으로 인도·태평양지역의 <군비경쟁>과 <핵무력증강>을 부추기는 한편 제국주의연합세력과의 군사동맹을 강화하고 있다. 미상원은 <북이 미국과 동맹국을 위협하는 최첨단무기를 개발>하는 <불량국가>라면서 미국의 전략무기개발은 합리화 하는 2중적 행태를 드러냈다.

3. 미군은 코리아반도·세계민중의 평화와 안전을 파괴하는 핵전쟁의 화근이다. 바이든<정부>는 미남<동맹>강화를 압박하고 남코리아에서 북수뇌부<참수작전>을 버젓이 벌이며 코리아반도정세를 전쟁정세로 몰아가고 있다. 미국이 대북적대시책동실행에 광분할수록 반제자주세력 대 제국주의연합세력의 갈등이 일촉즉발의 전쟁상황으로 치닫는 것은 당연하다. 주아프간미군철군의 군사·정치적 실패는 미군의 침략적,약탈적 본색과 함께 제국주의미국이 결국 반제자주세력에 의해 패퇴한다는 것을 보여준다. 바이든<정부>는 무모한 대북적대시책동을 즉각 중단하고 주남미군부터 철거해야 한다.

2021년 10월1일 워싱턴DC 미백악관앞
민중민주당(민중당) 대변인실

[Spokesperson report 452 – the comment in front of the White House 93]
Biden “administration” must stop hostile maneuver against North Corea, including provocation of a nuclear war against North Corea, and withdraw the U.S. troops from South Corea, the source of nuclear war!

1. The aggressive military action of Biden “administration” has reached at an extremely dangerous level. The U.S. troops deployed two strategic bombers B-52H on the Corean Peninsula on October 21, blatantly launched the threat of a nuclear strike on North Corea. It is known that the B-52H was escorted closely with 12 fighter jets from the Japanese Air Self Defence Force and went through the East China Sea and Kyushu sky, and conducted the nuclear bombing exercise in the East Sea of the Corean peninsula. The U.S. and Japan are strengthening their military alliance by mobilizing Aegis Destroyer to conduct joint anti-submarine drills in the sea of the Corean Peninsula for several days starting from the 15th. In addition, on the 13th, the Special Operations Command Korea (SOCKOR) conducted a war exercise “Teak Knife” against North Corea mobilizing their core forces such as the “Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC),” which is a committed force for “Beheading Operation” in United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).

2. The hostile maneuver toward North Corea is the maneuver of nuclear war for the invasion of North Corea and imperialist invasion. Since his inauguration, Biden “administration” has consistently conducted joint military exercises and schemed to increase its nuclear forces and revealed its intention to preemptive nuclear strike toward North Corea. Nevertheless, on the 29th, the U.S. State Department made a deceptive offers of a dialogue “The U.S. harbors no hostile intent toward the North Corea” and “We are prepared to meet with the North Corea without preconditions.” Recently, the U.S. has been promoting the “arms race” and the “nuclear force enhancement” in the Indo-Pacific region through the formation of AUKUS and sharing of nuclear-powered submarine technology to Australia, meanwhile, has strengthened the military alliance with imperialist coalition forces. The U.S. Senate revealed two-faced action and saying that “North Corea developed a high-technology weapon to threat against the U.S. and its alliances” such as “rogue state.”

3. The U.S. troops are the source of nuclear war that destroys the peace and security of the Corean peninsula and the people of the world. The Biden “administration” is pushing the strengthening of the U.S.-South Corea “alliance” and overtly carrying out the “decapitation strike” of North Corean leadership in South Corea and driving the situation on the Corean peninsula into a war situation. It is obvious that the conflict between the anti-imperialist independence forces and the imperialist coalition forces will escalate into a war situation at once as the U.S. becomes more and more frenzied about implementing hostile measure against North Corea. The military and political failure of the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from Afghanistan, along with the aggressive and exploitative nature of the U.S. military, shows that the U.S. imperialist will eventually be defeated by the anti-imperialist and independent forces. Biden “administration” must immediately stop its reckless hostile maneuver against North Corea and withdraw the U.S. troops from South Corea first.

October 1st, 2021
In front of the White House, Washington D.C.
Spokesperson office of People’s Democracy Party (PDP)

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