[대변인실보도462-미백악관논평96] 바이든〈정부〉는 북침선제핵타격연습을 비롯한 모든 침략책동을 중단하고 주남미군부터 철거하라!

바이든<정부>는 북침선제핵타격연습을 비롯한 모든 침략책동을 중단하고 주남미군부터 철거하라!

1. 바이든<정부>가 북침핵공격연습을 감행했다. 미국전략사령부는 1일 <핵준비태세와 전략적억제능력을 더욱 향상시키기 위한 영역 평가>를 강변하며 핵지휘·통제야전연습인 <글로벌선더(Global Thunder)22>를 실시했다고 밝혔다. 연습에는 핵폭격기비행과 대륙간탄도미사일훈련, 핵잠수함준비태세 등 3대핵전력의 점검이 포함되며 호주·영국 등이 참가해 <미국과 동맹에 대한 전략무기공격을 억지·탐지·격퇴>하는 <글로벌작전>을 수행한다고 알려졌다. 미전략사령부는 지난 4월에도 전략사령부와 5개통합전투사령부 등이 참가한 <핵무장한 복수적성국과 실전상황을 염두에 둔 억제력모의훈련>을 실시했다고 이례적으로 공개한 바 있다.

2. 바이든<정부>의 북침핵전쟁기도는 미남합동군사연습에서 명백히 드러난다. 남국방부에 따르면 2021년 9월기준 미남합동야외연습(FTX)은 총 146회 실시됐고 2018년 135회, 2019년 209회, 2020년 194회로 코로나시국에도 오히려 증가했다. 미·남은 9월 확장억제수단운용연습(TTX), 10월 핵시설불능화합동연습 등을 벌이며 대북선제핵타격의도를 노골화했다. 미국방부가 <미남동맹이 가장 큰 대북억지력>이라 떠드는 이유가 다른데 있지 않다. 특히 미남군사연습은 북의 핵·미사일기지선제타격, 북수뇌부<참수작전>인 <작전계획5015>에 기반함으로써 침략책동을 가감없이 드러내는 한편 남북간 대결을 악랄하게 고취하고 있다.

3. 미국의 대북침략책동으로 전세계적인 핵전쟁위기가 고조되고 있다. 미전략사령부는 글로벌선더연습이 <가상의 적들에 대한 현실적인 훈련활동>이라고 하나 <북핵위협 및 방어책>이 미핵전략에 반영된 것으로 알려진만큼 이는 엄연한 핵선제공격의 발로다. 미전략사령관이 북을 <미국과 동맹들에 대한 안보도전>으로 규정하고 미핵태세검토(NPR)보고서에서 <핵선제공격대상>에 북이 포함된 사실은 북을 비롯한 반제자주세력과 미중심의 제국주의연합세력과의 첨예한 대결을 입증한다. 그 대결의 중심지가 코리아반도인만큼 바이든<정부>는 미남합동핵전쟁연습을 비롯한 북침핵전쟁책동을 즉각 중단하고 핵전쟁을 비롯한 모든 전쟁의 화근인 주남미군부터 철거해야 한다.

2021년 11월21일 워싱턴DC 미백악관앞
민중민주당(민중당) 대변인실

[Spokesperson Report 462 – the comment in front of the White House 96]
Biden “administration” should stop all aggressive maneuvers including the preemptive nuclear strike exercise against the North Corea and immediately withdraw U.S. troops in South Corea!

1. Biden “administration” carried out the nuclear strike exercises against the North Corea. On November 1st, the U.S. Strategic Command, using the sophistry of “evaluating areas to further improve nuclear readiness and strategic deterrent capabilities,” announced that “Global Thunder 22,” which is the nuclear command and control and field training exercise, is conducted. The exercise is known that it includes the inspection of the three major nuclear forces, which are nuclear bomber flight, intercontinental ballistic missile training, and nuclear submarine readiness posture and that Australia and U.K. participate in the exercise to employ “global operations,” “to deter, detect and, defeat strategic attacks against the U.S. and its allies.” In April, the U.S. Strategic Command also unprecedentedly announced to the public that “the simulated exercise of the deterrence power in consideration of the actual situation against the reactive nuclear-armed adversary” was carried out, which included the participation by the Strategic Command and the five integrated combat commands.

2. The nuclear war schemes of the Biden “administration” to invade North Corea are clearly revealed in the U.S.-South Corea joint military exercise. According to the Ministry of National Defense of South Corea, the U.S.-South Corea joint Field Training Exercise (FTX) was conducted 146 times as of September 2021, and 135 times in 2018, 209 times in 2019, and 194 times in 2020. The U.S. and South Corea held the Tailored Deterrence Strategy Table Top Exercise (TTX) in September and a joint exercise to disable nuclear facilities in October, blatantly demonstrating their intention to strike a preemptive nuclear strike against North Corea. There is no other reason why the U.S. Department of Defense claims that “the U.S. and South Corea Alliance is the greatest deterrent against North Corea.” In particular, the U.S.-South Corea military exercise, as being based on the “Operation Plan 5015”, which is the preemptive strike on nuclear and missile bases in North Corea, and is “the decapitation strike” against the headquarter of the North Corea, reveals their aggressive maneuvers, while the exercise viciously incites the inter-Corean confrontation.

3. The U.S. aggressive maneuvers against North Corea increase the nuclear war crisis on a world scale. The U.S. strategic command stated that the Global Thunder 22 is “designed around realistic training activities against simulated adversaries”, but as it is known that the “nuclear threat from the North Corea and the defense strategies” are reflected into the U.S. nuclear strategy, the exercise is a clear expression of the nuclear preemptive attack against the North Corea. The facts that the chief of the U.S. strategic command defined North Corea as a “security challenges to the U.S. and its allies” and included North Corea in “the targets of the nuclear preemptive strike” in the U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) report are proves an acute confrontation between the anti-imperialist and independent forces including the North Corea and the U.S.-centered imperialist allied forces. As the Corean peninsula is the mainland of the confrontation, the Biden “administration” should immediately stop the nuclear war maneuvers to invade North Corea as well as the U.S.-South Corea joint nuclear war exercises and should withdraw the U.S. troops from South Corea, which is the root cause of all wars including nuclear war.

November 21st, 2021
In front of the White House, Washington D.C.
Spokesperson Office of the People’s Democracy Party (PDP)

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