[2022파리국제컨퍼런스] 파시즘을 반대한다! 미국주도의 전쟁에 저항한다!

파시즘을 반대한다! 

미국주도의 전쟁에 저항한다!

요제프 보쉿트 Jozef Bossuyt | 벨기에코리아친선협회대표

… 역사에는 모든 전쟁에 필연적으로 동반되는 공포, 잔혹행위들, 정신적고통과 괴로움에도 불구하고 수많은 진보적인 전쟁들이 있다. 바로 유난히 해롭고 반동적인 제도들(예를 들어 전제정치나 농노제도와 같은)을 파괴함으로써 인류의 발전에 도움을 준 전쟁들이다. … 전쟁의 한유형은 민족해방성격을 띤 부르주아지들과 진보세력간의 전쟁이다. … 침략전쟁과 방어전쟁의 차이는 방어전쟁은 사회주의자들이 늘 말하는 <정의>의 전쟁을 뜻한다. 사회주의자들은 <조국방어를위한> 전쟁 혹은 <예방>전쟁을 정당하고 진보적이며 정의로운 전쟁으로 여겨왔으며 지금도 그렇게 여긴다. 

… 오늘날, (미국의 군산복합체라는 소수집단의 사람들이 지휘하는) 이전쟁은 전지구적으로, 세계적으로 일관성있게 벌어지는 제국주의적이고 침략적인 미국주도의 전쟁이다. 오늘날 이러한 전쟁의 주요최전방은 중국·코리아·중동, 그리고 우크라이나다.

중국에서 모택동에 의해 시작된 민족해방전쟁은 일본제국주의에 의해 점령된 중국본토를 1949.10.1 해방시켰다. … 대만섬은 미제국주의에 의해 여전히 점령된 상태였으며 미제국주의의 곧 있을 침략교두보로 남아있었다. 그래서 최근 미국은 중국주변에 병력을 증강시켰으며 호주·영국과 함께  안쥬스동맹(ANZUS 태평양안전보장조약)을 형성했다. 중국입장에서 이전쟁은 나라의 통일을 목표로 하는 정의롭고 정당하며 방어적이고 진보적인 전쟁이다. 

코리아에서 400만이 학살된 미국의 침략전쟁(1950~53)은 미국이 평화협정이 아닌 정전협정에 서명하면서 여전히 진행중이다. 5.21 바이든과 남코리아대통령 윤석열은 <코리아반도와그주변에서합동군사연습의훈련범위와규모를확대하기위한협의를개시>하기로 합의했다. 이전쟁연습에는 남코리아가 북을 침공하는 시나리오가 있다. 북입장에서 이는 미국의 남코리아에 대한 군사적점령을 끝내고 남과의 통일을 목표로 하는 방어전쟁이다.

중동에서 미국은 2001 아프가니스탄을, 2003 이라크를, 1986·2011 리비아를, 2021 시리아를 침략하고 폭격했다. … 미국은 군대를 중동에서 극동으로 옮기고있으며 중국과 코리아에 대한 전쟁준비에 전념하고있다. 

… 2013.11 미국은 (우크라이나에서) 친러성향의 야누코비치정부를 반대하는 키예프의 마이단친파쇼폭동에 자금을 대고 조직했다. 그렇게 함으로써 스테판반데라처럼 2차세계대전당시 나치에 부역한 전문가들, 가장 반동적인 극우세력을 집결시켰다. 2014.2 이범죄집단은 정부건물, 공동주의조직들과 노동운동조직들의 사무실, 레닌과 소련을 추억하는 동상을 파괴하고 정부를 전복시켰다. 새롭게 세워진 정권은 본질상 파시스트정권이었으며 형식적으로는 우크라이나의 정권이었으나 정권의 목표와 정책은 미국의것이었다. … 도네츠크인민공화국과 루간스크인민공화국 민중들의 투쟁은 정의롭고 방어적이며 해방을 위한 정당하고 진보적인 전쟁이었다. 

… 국제적으로 우리는 2가지 군사동맹을 확인할수 있다. 하나는 미제국주의가 이끄는 침략적인 제국주의동맹이다. 나토30개국의 군대가 포함돼 있으며 동아시아의 일본, 남코리아와 호주가 포함된다. 이동맹에 대항해 다른 한편으로는 미국이 러시아와 중국에 제재를 가한후 중국·러시아·북·이란·시리아·벨라루스간에 사실상 군사동맹이 형성돼 강화되고있다. 

… 전세계민중의 첫째의무는 미국주도의 전쟁에 반대하고 미제국주의와 나토를 없애기 위한 세계적범위의 반파쇼전선을 형성하는것이다. 이는 항구적인 세계평화의 전망을 열어줄것이다. 이는 오직 … 전쟁의 근원인 자본주의와 제국주의를 끝낼때만 가능하다. 

No to fascism! Resist US-led war! 

Jozef Bossuyt | Corea is One (Belgium)

발췌 extracted

… What is the nature of the actual global war today, May 28, 2022?

The geo-strategy of USA-imperialism was explained in the book “The grand chessboard” of US-presidential advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski in the year 1997.

“The US policy goal: to perpetuate America’s own dominant position, to exercise America’s global primacy, to be the first, and the only global superpower, and to remain as the last global superpower”. Given the central position of Eurasia (Europe and Asia) : “To prevent the emergence of a dominant and antagonistic Eurasian power — challenging America-remains central to America’s capacity to exercise global primacy”. 

The main competitor of the US dominating position is China. On the east China is countered by the military alliance of USA, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. See photo nr 2, the black line. This alliance permits the USA to encircle and attack China from Taiwan and from South Korea (the THAAD-missiles that can reach targets 2000km deep in Chinese territory). It also permits to cut China’s import (of petrol) and export to the west, without which the Chinese economy cannot survive. … From the West of China, it’s main partner Russia has to be weakened. Therefore: “Europe also serves as the springboard for the progressive expansion”. It is “America’s essential geopolitical bridgehead on the Eurasian continent”. “Expansion of NATO to include Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, Baltic republics, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Slovakia. Then: also Sweden and Finland also. Eventually, Ukraine: somewhere between 2005 and 2010, Ukraine will gradually be drawn into the special Franco-German-Polish relationship. See photo nr 3. America’s central geostrategic goal in Europe: to consolidate the U.S. bridgehead on the Eurasian continent so that an enlarging Europe can become a more viable springboard into Eurasia. …

What is the nature of this actual war?

In “War and Revolution” (May 14, 1917) Lenin wrote “There are wars and wars … We must be clear as to what historical conditions have given rise to the war … A key issue is the class character of the war … What classes are waging that war, what historical – economic conditions gave rise to it.” 

Lenin wrote in “Socialism and war” (1915) that “war cannot be abolished unless classes are abolished and Socialism is created…

We study each war separately. In history there have been numerous wars which, in spite of all the horrors, atrocities, distress and suffering that inevitably accompany all wars, were progressive, i.e., benefited the development of mankind by helping to destroy the exceptionally harmful and reactionary institutions (for example, autocracy or serfdom), the most barbarous despotisms in Europe (Turkish and Russian). Therefore, it is necessary to examine the historically specific features of precisely the present war.

One of the types of wars were wars of a bourgeois-progressive, national-liberating character. In other words, the chief content and historical significance of these wars were the overthrow of absolutism and feudalism, the undermining of these institutions, the overthrow of alien oppression. Therefore, those were progressive wars, and during such wars, all honest, revolutionary democrats, and also all Socialists, always sympathised with the success of that country (i.e., with that bourgeoisie), which had helped to overthrow, or sap, the most dangerous foundation of feudalism, absolutism and the oppression of other nations.

The Difference Between Aggressive and Defensive War … By “defensive” war Socialists always meant a “just” war in this sense … Socialists regarded, and now regard, wars “for the defence of the fatherland,” or “defensive” wars, as legitimate, progressive and just.” …

Today, from US-imperialism (directed by a small group of people, the Military-Industrial Complex of the USA) this war is one global, worldwide, coherent, imperialist, aggressive US-led war. The main frontlines in this one war are today in China, Korea, Middle-East Asia and Ukraine.

In China the national liberation war, started by Mao Zedong, liberated the mainland of China of the occupation by Japanese imperialism October 1th 1949, and started the socialist revolution and transformation of the country into a socialist country. The isle of Taiwan is still occupied by US imperialism and remains a bridgehead for an imminent invasion by US imperialism. From the side of China this actual war, aiming at the reunification of the country, is a just, legitimate, defensive, progressive war.

In Korea the aggression war (1950-1953) of the US, who killed 4 million people, is still going on, as the US signed only a truce, and not a peace agreement. On May 21th Biden and South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol agreed “to initiate discussions to expand the scope and scale of combined military exercises and training on and around the Korean peninsula”. These exercises have a scenario of invasion of the DPRK from the south. From the side of the DPRK it is a defensive war, aiming at the ending of the military occupation of South Korea by the US and the reunification of the country.  

In the Middle-East Asia, the US invaded and bombed Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2003, Libya in 1986 and 2011, Syria in 2021. US occupation troops retired from Afghanistan (but US private “security” companies stay) and remain in Iraq. The US continue to threaten Iraq. The US transferred troops from Middle to East Asia and concentrate their war preparations against China and Korea. The people in the Middle-East Asia wage a defensive, just, resistance war against US imperialism. 

After the overthrow of the Soviet Union in 1991, the US promoted conflicts and wars between the former Soviet republics, such as Russia and Ukraine. The US acted to keep the newborn Russian capitalist state weak. In November 2013 the US financed and organized in Kiev the Maidan pro-fascist revolt against the pro-Russia Yanukovitch government. The US mobilized therefore the most reactionary nationalist forces, adepts of Nazi collaborator in WWII , Stepan Bandera. In February 2014 these gangs destroyed government buildings, offices of communist and workers’ movement organizations, monuments of Lenin and remembering the Soviet Union, and overthrew the government. The new installed regime was fascist in its essence, Ukrainian in its forms, and American in its goals and policy. Especially in the East of Ukraine (Donbas, Mariupol, Odessa) the resistance grew and was met violently by Poroshenko, who became president May 25th.. On May 2th, 2014, fascist gangs burnt 40 people alive in the Trade Unions building in Odessa. On March 16th, 2014, in a referendum more than 90% of the people of Crimea and Sevastopol voted for reunification with Russia. In Donbas a people’s revolt, led by the working class, especially miners and metal workers, chased the fascist representatives, took the arms in police stations and army barracks, built barricades around the government buildings they occupied. On May 11th, 2014, in referenda 89 % of the people of Donetsk and 96 % of the people of Luhansk voted to found the independent People’s Republic of Donetsk and the People’s Republic of Luhansk. Poroshenko started a military campaign against Donbas, bombed there schools, hospitals, houses, electricity plants, which from 2014 to 2022 killed 14,000 people. But nor he, nor the later president Zelynski were capable to take the capitals Donetsk and Luhansk from the Donbas freedom fighters. The Minsk agreements, were an initiative of Putin, Poroshenko, Hollande (France) and Merkel (Germany). Signed on September 5th ,2014, and February 2th, 2015, they foresaw a cease-fire and more autonomy for Donbas within the Ukrainian state. But they did not recognize the Donetsk and Luhansk as independent states, people’s republics. These agreements were not supported by the people of Donbas and not respected by the Kiev regime, that continued the killings.  

In the People’s Republic of Donetsk and the People’s Republic of Luhansk, the people struggle in a just, defensive, liberating, legitimate, progressive war. The intervention of Russia is positive insofar Russia sustains on the territory of Donbas the liberation war and the existence of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics. At the same time, to contribute to the antifascist struggle in Ukraine demands the recognition of the 70 years history (1921-1991) of the Socialist Soviet Republic of Ukraine, of the Ukrainian culture and nation, and to abstain from conquering territory in the interest of oligarchs.

On the international scene we observe the existence of two military alliances.

On one hand there is the aggressive, imperialist alliance led by US imperialism, containing 30 NATO countries and armies, and in East Asia also Japan, South Korea and Australia.

Against this alliance, on the other hand, a de facto, factual, military alliance of China, Russia, DPR of Korea, Iran, Syria, Belarus was formed, and reinforced after the US sanctions against Russia and China were installed. In the year 2001, June 15th, already, the Shanghai Co-operation Organization was founded with then China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan as members. Their first joint military exercises were held in 2003. On May 24th, 2022, an air task force composed of Russian Tu-95MS and Chinese H-6K strategic bombers conducted a joint air patrol over the waters of the Sea of Japan(the East Sea) and the East China Sea.  

The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) was founded May 15th, 1992. Since 1994 the members are Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. From January 5th to 11th 2022, CSTO-armies were deployed to Kazakhstan in response to attempts to overthrow the Kazakh government.

The military alliance between China and the DPRK exists already from the start of the existence of the DPRK in 1945. After the military operations in Ukraine started in February 2022, the DPRK launched a ballistic missile off its east coast into the sea on 4 March 2022. The DPRK has taken a clear position in this US-led imperialist war. …

Besides the close military alliance against US imperialism, a worldwide alliance is formed. It appeared clearly on March 2th 2022 in the UN General Assembly vote on a resolution condemning Russia and demanding withdrawal of Russia military forces from Ukraine. 214 countries sustained the resolution, amongst which the USA and its allies of NATO, and Japan, Australia and South Korea. Five countries voted against: Russia, Belarus, Syria, the socialist Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Eritrea. 52 countries expressed their resistance by abstaining or not taking part in the vote. Amongst them are all the socialist countries, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and China. Remarkable is the huge number of African states, that expressed their disagreement by abstention: Algeria, Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Morocco. From Latin America the Alba Countries as Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador. In Asia the abstentions of Iran, India, Pakistan and even Iraq are remarkable. 

The first responsibility of all the people’s in the world is to build a world-wide anti-fascist alliance, to resist the US-led war and to eliminate US imperialism and NATO. This will open the perspective of a world of lasting durable peace, which is only possible when revolutions and socialism will have eliminated the source of war: capitalism and imperialism. 

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