[대변인실보도391-미백악관논평60]〈br〉제국주의를 파멸로 인도하는 위험천만한 핵전쟁책동

제국주의를 파멸로 인도하는 위험천만한 핵전쟁책동

  1. 7일 <핵전쟁지휘기> E-6B 머큐리(Mercury)가 코리아반도서해상에 전개됐다. 미해군소속으로 유사시 국가지휘부의 명령에 따라 ICBM과 SLBM 발사를 지휘·통제하는 임무를 수행한다. 수중의 전략핵잠수함에 핵공격명령을 송신하는 E-6B가 서태평양지역, 그것도 서해에 출현한 것은 매우 이례적이다. 특히 E-6B가 미본토와 태평양을 횡단해 공중급유까지 받으면서 코리아근해에 나타난 목적이 무엇이겠는가.
  2. 최근 미국은 핵전폭기·핵항모 등 전략자산의 배치를 증강하고 있다. 얼마전엔 핵추진항모인 니미츠호와 시어도어루스벨트호가 남중국해에 배치됐다. 버지니아급 공격핵잠수함과 해저무인잠수정, B-1B핵폭기, B-52핵폭격기, 최신무인정찰기 등이 서태평양지역에 배치됐는가 하면 F-22·F-35 등 스텔스전투기·핵전폭기도 가세했다. 미전략사령관 리처드는 <핵사용은 매우 현실적으로 가능한 일로 전환해야 한다>며 호전적으로 망발했다.
  3. 미국의 무분별하고 위험천만한 군사적도발로 오늘 세계는 최악의 핵전쟁위기에 놓여있다. 미국은 핵선제타격전쟁연습으로 우리민족의 생명을 위협하고 있다. 영국, 프랑스, 일본, 호주 등과 군사적동맹을 강화하며 핵전쟁에 광분하는 미제침략세력을 가장 강력히 규탄하지않을수 없다. 미국내정치의 혼란과 불안정, 분열된 민심은 해외의 침략전쟁으로 달라지지 않는다. 오히려 결정적으로 격화될 뿐이다. 역사가 보여주듯이 어리석은 전쟁책동은 제국주의 무덤이다.

2021년 2월10일 워싱턴D.C 미백악관앞
민중민주당(민중당) 대변인실

[Spokesperson Report 391 – in front of the White House 60]
Dangerous nuclear war maneuver that leads imperialism to ruin

  1. On the 7th, E-6B Mercury, “nuclear war command plane,” was launched in the West Sea of Corean peninsula. It is affiliated with the U.S. Navy and performs the task of commanding and controlling ICBM and SLBM launches by order of the United States Strategic Command in case of emergency. It’s very unusual that the E-6B, which transmits a nuclear attack order to the nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) in the water, emerged in the Western Pacific region, even in the West Sea. In particular, what would be the purpose of the E-6B appearing near the coast of Corea as it was flying along the U.S. mainland and the Pacific Ocean and even with in-flight refueling.
  2. Recently the U.S. has increasingly deployed strategic assets including the nuclear fighter bomber and nuclear aircraft carrier. Not long ago, the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Nimitz and Theodore Roosevelt Carrier were deployed in the South China Sea. The Virginia class nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSN), unmanned underwater submarines, B-1B nuclear bombers, B-52 nuclear bombers, and the latest unmanned reconnaissance aircraft were deployed in the Western Pacific region. Also stealth fighter and nuclear fighter bombers such as F-22 Raptor and F-35 were deployed. Commander of the U.S. Strategic Command Charles Richard belligerently said “the US military must shift its principal to nuclear employment is a very real possibility.”
  3. The world is on the brink of worst nuclear war today due to the reckless and dangerous military provocation of the U.S.. The U.S. is threatening the lives of our nation with the preemptive nuclear strike amid war exercises. We’re strongly obliged to condemn the U.S. imperialist aggressors who are frenzied in the nuclear war as strengthening military alliances with England, France, Japan, Australia. The political confusion and instability and divided popular sentiment in the U.S. couldn’t be changed by the war of aggression abroad. On the contrary, it only intensifies decisively. As history has shown, a foolish war maneuver is the graves of imperialism.

February 10th, 2021
In front of the White House, Washington DC
Spokesperson Office of the People’s Democracy Party (PDP)

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