[대변인실보도309- 백악관앞논평(성명)50] 트럼프정부는 미군을 철거하라 – 백악관앞 평화시위 총1000일에 즈음해

IMG_4416-1-1024x768 트럼프정부는 미군을 철거하라 – 백악관앞 평화시위 총1000일에 즈음해
2020년 2월1일 워싱턴D.C 백악관앞 민중민주당(환수복지당) 대변인실 https://www.facebook.com/fililive/videos/2750263781719409/?vh=e&d=n
[Spokesperson Report 309 – Comments in front of the White House 50] Trump administration must withdraw USFK from South Corea! – To mark the day of 1000-day peaceful demonstration in front of the White House https://www.facebook.com/fililive/videos/2310672129224777/?vh=e&d=n
[대변인실보도309- 백악관앞논평(성명)50] 트럼프정부는 미군을 철거하라 – 백악관앞 평화시위 총1000일에 즈음해 1. 민중민주당미국평화원정단이 백악관앞에서 평화시위를 시작한지 어느덧 총1000일이 지났다. 주남미군은 남코리아를 정치·군사적으로 억압하고 경제적으로 착취해온 전쟁의 화근, 만악의 근원이다. 미군을 철거시키고 민족의 자주와 조국의 통일을 쟁취하기 위한 우리의 정의로운 투쟁은 남코리아를 넘어 미제국주의의 심장부인 미백악관앞에서까지 줄기차게 진행되고있다. 전세계 반전평화세력·반미세력과 함께 백악관앞에서 투쟁해온 지난 5년여는 우리에게 미군철거투쟁의 정당성만이 아니라 승리의 확신을 심어준 잊지못할 기간이었다. 2. 트럼프정부의 계속되는 전쟁책동에 전세계민중들의 분노가 들끓고있다. 코리아반도에서 북침전쟁책동과 대남내정간섭망동을 벌이는 나라도, 중동에서 이란을 비롯한 반미세력을 상대로 폭력도발하는 나라도, 라틴아메리카에서 민중정권을 쿠데타로 전복하는 나라도 모두 현대제국주의의 총수인 미국이다. 트럼프정부의 전쟁광증, 미제국주의의 전쟁책동을 그대로 놔둔다면 세계는 결국 제3차세계대전과 같은 미증유의 재앙을 겪게 될 것이다. 오늘 반트럼프반미투쟁만큼 가장 절박한 반제공동행동, 가장 숭고한 반전평화운동은 없다. 3. 트럼프정부가 최근 코리아반도주변에 미정찰기와 핵항모를 배비하면서 또다시 코리아반도에 핵전쟁의 위기가 고조되고있다. 북침핵전쟁연습인 키리졸브·독수리가 예고된 코리아는 중동 못지않은 전쟁화약고면서도 핵전쟁이 터질수 있는 치명적인 위험지대다. 코리아의 평화이자 동북아의 평화고 전세계의 평화다. 민중민주당미국평화원정단은 지난 1000일처럼 앞으로도 변함없이 굴함없이 백악관앞에서의 반제반미평화시위를 계속할 것이다. 우리민중, 우리민족의 완강한 반트럼프반미투쟁은 반드시 올해를 미군철거의 해로 빛내일 것이다.

트럼프정부는 북침전쟁책동을 즉각 중단하라! 트럼프정부는 주남미군을 즉각 철거하라! 트럼프정부는 전세계 미군기지를 즉각 철거하라!

2020년 2월1일 워싱턴D.C 백악관앞 민중민주당(환수복지당)미국평화원정단

[Spokesperson Report 309 – Comments in front of the White House 50] Trump administration must withdraw USFK from South Corea! To mark the day of 1000-day peaceful demonstration in front of the White House 1. It has been already 1000 days that Peace Expedition to USA of the People’s Democracy Party (PDP) has started the peaceful protesting in front of the White House. The United States Forces in Korea (USFK) is the cause of war and the root of all evils making political and military oppression and exploiting South Corea economically. Our righteous struggle for withdrawing US troops from South Corea and for achieving national independence and reunification of the country continues persistently in South Corea and even in front of the White House, the heart of US imperialist. Last 5-year-struggle fulfilled in front of the White House with international anti-war forces for peace and anti-US forces was an unforgettable time to make not only a justification of withdrawing US army but also a conviction for the victory. 2. Now the people all over the world rise up in rage due to the constant war maneuvering by the Trump adminstration. The country, who is maneuvering war against North Corea, interfering in domestic affairs of South Corea in the Corean peninsula, who is provoking Iran and anti-US forces with violence in Middle East, and who is overthrowing the people’s regime by a coup in Latin America, is the US, the head of modern imperialist. If we leave the lunacy on war by the Trump adminstration and war maneuvering by the US imperialist as it stands, eventually the world will suffer from an unheard catastrophe as like World War III. Today there is no urgent anti-imperialist joint action more than the anti-Trump and anti-US struggle. And there is no noble anti-war peace movement more than the anti-Trump and anti-US struggle. 3. The crisis of nuclear war in the Corean Peninsula is being raised again when the Trump adminstration deploys US reconnaissance plane and nuclear-powered aircraft carrier around the Corean Peninsula recently. Corea where the annual nuclear war excercise against North Corea called Key Resolve and Foal Eagle is supposed to be conducted is a powder keg of war as dangerous as Middle East and a fatal danger zone able to be occurred an outbreak of nuclear war anytime. The peace of Corea is, in other words, a peace of Northeast and is a peace of all over the world. The PDP Peace Expedition to USA will continue to wage the anti-imperialist and anti-US peaceful demonstration indomitably in front of the White House, Washington DC as like the last 1000 days. The stubborn struggles of our people and our nation against Trump and US certainly will make this year shine as a year of withdrawing US troops. Trump adminstration must immediately stop maneuvering war against North Corea! Trump adminstration must withdraw USFK right now! Trump adminstration must immediately withdraw US troops in the world! February 1st, 2020 In front of the White House, Washington DC Spokesperson Office of Peace Expedition to USA in the People’s Democracy Party (PDP)
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