스테파노 아라우조 Stefano Araujo | 스위스CP국제부책임자
… 서방블록이 쇠퇴기에 있기때문에 미국주도의 제국주의는 점점 더 침략적으로 되고있다. 제국주의는 상황이 완전히 변하고있음에도 자신의 세계패권을 유지하기 위해 더욱 침략적으로 나오고있다. 주권을 위해 싸우는 쿠바·베네수엘라·니카라과, 여타 라틴아메리카국가들을 향한 공격·일방적제재·내부위기에 대한 압박을 보라. 제국주의와 시오니즘에 맞서 자주를 위해 투쟁하는 이란을 상대로 한 공격들을 보라. <피벗투아시아>전략을 보라. 대중무역분쟁과 미국및그동맹국들이 어떻게 세계적으로 중국혐오를 만들어내는지 보라. 같은 일들이 러시아를 상대로도 벌어지고있고 …
이런 이유로 세계적으로 자주를 위해 싸우는 전세계 모든 반제세력들, 진정한 애국주의자들이 그어느때보다도 단결해야한다. 맑스·레닌주의는 우리당에 정말로 중요하다. 하지만 현시점에서 우리는 반제반시오니즘세력들과도 단결해야한다. 비록 그들이 아직 과학적사회주의로 무장하지않았을지라도 오늘날의 새로운, 위험하고도 역사적인 국면에서 다극체제를 세우는데 우리와 같은 편에 있다. …
이제 우크라이나위기에 대해 이야기해보자. 우리는 2014 일어난 소위<유로마이단>부터 시작해야한다. 나토와 EU(유럽연합)는 사실은 진정한 애국주의세력인 이른바 친러정치세력과 반파쇼·사회주의조직들을 고립시키고 극심한 국수주의이자 친서방꼭두각시정권을 세움으로써 우크라이나의 EU와 나토 가입건을 밀어붙이는 제도적인 쿠데타를 조장했다. 이에 만족하지않고 서방강대국들은 아조프대대같이, 돈바스내 러시아어를 사용하는 우크라이나소수공동체를 잔인하게 공격한 극단적인 국수주의자들과 신나치운동, 군대를 후원했다. 그들은 오데사노조본부에서 민간인들을 불태워 죽였다. 그들은 혼란을 야기하기 시작했다. 그결과는? 내전이 벌어졌다. 러시아가 자신들의 영토를 지키기 위해 맞서 싸우기로 결심한 돈바스민중들을 지원해서가 아니다. EU와 미국이 우크라이나의 상황을 완전히 바꾸기전에 갈등으로 몰아넣고 우크라이나를 나토에 통합시키려고 했기때문이다.
… 2014 (마이단쿠데타)이후 우크라이나는 전쟁중이다. 2014부터 러시아인에 반대하는 인종법이 있었고 수백만명이 죽었으며 대부분은 민간인이었다. 우크라이나와 전반지역에서의 현갈등과 전쟁의 주된 원인은 나토의 동쪽으로의 확장이라는것을 분명히 해야한다. 서방국가들은 소련이 해체될때 맺어진 협정, 즉 나토가 독일을 넘어 확장하지않겠다는 협정을 무시했다. 바르샤바조약의 여러이전회원국들은 중립을 지켜야한다. 그러나 우리는 무엇을 보고있는가? 수많은 동유럽국가들이 합의사항들을 무시하고 러시아의 우려를 무시한채 대서양동맹에 들어간다. 만약 러시아가 대응하기로 결심한다면, 이는 20년이상 미국주도의 제국주의가 러시아를 도발하고 압박해온 결과이다. 러시아국경에 점점 더 많은 군대를 배치하고있다. 이는 분명하다,
… 불행히도 미제국주의의 잔인한 또다른 사례는 현재진행중인 남코리아에 대한 불법적점령이다. 미국은 북남간 어떠한 평화협정에도 반대할뿐아니라 심지어는 자주국가여야할 곳에 군대와 핵무기를 주둔시키고있다. 우리는 이러한 신식민주의점령을 끝장내고 전체코리아의 자주와 주권을 지키기 위해 매일 투쟁하는 민중민주당의 모든 동지들과 연대한다. 우리는 또한 연방제에 기초해 새로운 통일코리아를 건설하기 위한 여러분의 투쟁을 지지한다. … 코리아반도에서 모든 미군을 철거시켜야할때다. 우리는 코리아반도의 평화를 바란다.
… 어느때보다도 지금은 모든 진정한 반제세력이 단결해 모두를 위한 더 밝은 미래를 위해 싸워나가야한다.
“Oppose NATO’s Eastward Expansion! Withdraw the USFK!”
Stefano Araujo | Communist Party (Switzerland)
Dear comrades,
It is a pleasure and an honor for us, as delegates of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Switzerland, to be part of this important International Conference here in Paris. We would like to thank all the presents, but especially our friends of the People’s Democracy Party of Korea, which invited us to this event, which represents a moment of true solidarity and internationalism.
Let’s start our speech with some facts, with one basic one: the US led Atlantic field is in decline. At the economic, technological, industrial, cultural and social level, we observe a clear and straightforward decline. See the continuous political and economic crisis that the West faced from 2008 until now. In the same time, we observe an emerging multipolar world system growing up, led by new powers like China, Russia, South Africa, India, Brazil, the so called “BRICS” and others. Among the emerging countries, however, we recognise first and foremost an area that will be a key player in the future of international relations, Eurasia, whose development and integration process is opening up glimmers of political and social viability for peoples’ yearning for independence and sovereignty.
This is the current situation if we look at the big picture. And what does it mean? That, indeed, because the Western bloc is in decline, the US led imperialism is becoming more and more aggressive. Imperialism is becoming more aggressive in order to maintain its hegemony on the world, even if things are completely changing. Look at the attacks, the unilateral sanctions, the pressure for inner crisis against Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and others Latin American countries which fight for their sovereignty. Look at the attacks against Iran, which also struggle for independence against imperialism and Zionism. Look at the Pivot to Asia strategy. Look at trade war against China and how the United States and its allies are portraying a “sinophobic” stance globally. Same happens with Russia, and we are going to talk about the Ukraine issue and also about the situation in the Korean peninsula. Considering the big picture, for us, as Swiss Communists, is clear that the actual primary contradiction is the international struggle of national states against US led Imperialism. The contradiction between an emerging multipolar world order and a declining unipolar Western led order. For that reason, globally, all the anti-imperialist forces, the true patriots, who fights for independence should be unite, more as ever. The Marxist-Leninist ideological bias is for our Party indeed important, but at present we must also unite with those anti-imperialists and anti-Zionists who, although they do not yet recognise themselves in scientific socialism, are today, in this new and dangerous historical phase, at our side to build up multipolarity.
Let’s now discuss the case of the Ukrainian crisis. We have to begin the story with what happened in 2014: the so-called “Euromaidan”. The NATO and the European Union promoted an institutional “coup d’état” that isolated the so-called “pro-Russian” political forces, in reality patriotic, anti-fascist and socialist organisations, and that pushed in the agenda the future membership in EU and NATO of Ukraine, putting in power ultra-nationalist and pro-Western puppets. Not yet satisfied, the Western powers supported ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi movements and troops, like the Azov Battalion, that started to attack violently the Russian-speaking Ukrainian minority community in the Donbass. They burned and killed civilians in the trade union headquarters in Odessa. They started creating the chaos. Result? A civil war started, not because Russia supported the people of Donbass which decided to fight back and protect their territory, but because it was the EU and USA that decided, before to change completely the situation in Ukraine, pushing for the conflict, and for the integration of Ukraine in the NATO community. There is a war in Ukraine since 2014, there are racial laws against Russians since 2014, and thousands and thousands of people died, most of them civilians. We should be clear: the main cause of the current conflict and war in Ukraine, and in the region overall, is the enlargement of NATO towards East. The Western countries didn’t respected the agreement that was made when there has been the dissolution of the Soviet Union: the agreement was that NATO shouldn’t expand itself beyond Germany. A lot of former members of the Warsaw Pact should remain neutral. And what we have seen? A huge number of Eastern-countries enter the Atlantic alliance, not respecting the agreements and not respecting the Russian concerns. If Russia decided to respond, is the consequence of twenty-years and more years of provocations and pressures made by the US led imperialism against Russia! Putting more, and more troops at the borders of Russia. That should be clear. Anyway, as Swiss communists, we demand immediately a cease-fire, and a new peace agreement, similar to the Minsk agreements, a peace agreement which considers all the interests and the security concerns of all the involved actors. Something that hasn’t be done in Europe properly. Peace, however, is not an idealistic element, it is a political fact and depends on the balance of power on the geopolitical level and also on the social struggle: that multipolarism and the overcoming of Atlantic system can be realised in peaceful coexistence is an illusion! Class struggle presumes conflict and the emerging countries today are tired of suffering Western imperialist oppression and we must therefore be ready because this new historical phase tells us that a non-imperialist country like Russia, where the communists are influential, may decide to go on the attack to defend the national interests of its people and, with it, the interests of multipolarism. There will be war as long as imperialism exists, with its potential for hegemonic domination, but we must also remember that every epochal change – and we are at this moment – actually results from the explosion of class conflict, and this often takes place in violent forms.
Now, the question is this: is it feasible to reverse this spiral of violence? The answer can still be affirmative, but only by countering the indoctrination of European public opinion that believes that the West is the beacon of human civilisation and can continue to hegemonise the world with its one-sided values. Our secretary-general, comrade Massimiliano Ay, in a recent theoretical article sent to the Communist Party of China wrote: “Unlike 30 years ago, today, there are countries that have already emerged that will no longer suffer in silence and instead demand guarantees for their security and independence: NATO must therefore no longer extend eastwards and the USA must withdraw from the Korean peninsula and South-East Asia and return to their home. Only then can Russia stop militarily and China continue with its peaceful approach based on win-win cooperation. If, on the other hand, these decisions of absolute balance fail or are not even taken into account, and thus the emerging countries continue to feel threatened and stifled in their aspirations for independence, then wars will continue to break out and we will experience an authoritarian and militarist twist in Western Europe”. Only popular and class oriented actions can prevent the worst from happening. That is why organisations such as the World Peace Council and the World Federation of Trade Unions must be strengthened on a mass level, without forgetting the importance of building a communist vanguard Party in every imperialist country.
Unluckily, another example of the brutality of the US imperialism, is the ongoing illegal occupation of South Korea. Not only the US is against any peace agreement between North and South, but it is even more present there with troops and nuclear weapons in what should be a sovereign country. We are solidarity with all the comrades of the People’s Democracy Party, who fight every day to end this neo-colonial occupation, to preserve the independence and sovereignty of all Korea! We support you also in your fight to create a new unified Korea, based on a federal system. An aspiration, a unified Korea free from imperialists, that is supported by the vast majority of the Korean citizens! In the past, were the Japanese that should be wiped out, and you succeed very well. Now is time to wipe out all the Yankees from the Korean peninsula! We want peace in the Korean peninsula!
I would like to finish my speech, speaking of our country of origin: Switzerland. As Swiss communists, we struggle to preserve concretely our neutrality and independence. For example, we are against all the sanctions against Russia. A neutral country shouldn’t follow sanctions made by the US and the European Union, also degrading our country in the diplomatic community: Switzerland could be a place for peace agreements, but following the US and the EU, we risk being not more considered and respected. We are also against all collaboration with NATO, whether by buying American jets for our army, like the F35, as our Federal Council decided, whether by participating in NATO led “so-called” peacekeeping operation in Kosovo, whether by buying only military technology from the US.
Furthermore, we believe that Switzerland, as a neutral country, can be a bridge between the West and the East. We believe that Switzerland can be a protagonist and true partner of the emerging multipolar world order. Attention comrades, we must be clear and not fall into illusions: Switzerland remains an imperialist country, but by riding on the neutral tradition felt by our people and tactically exploiting the internal contradictions of the less pro-American and more national bourgeoisie that we must skilfully identify we must hinder the Atlanticist plans and indeed push towards a non-alignment of Switzerland. It is increasingly complicated, but on this basis we can still build a mass line understandable to the majority of the working class and also of the petty bourgeoisie.
Let me conclude, saying that as Swiss communist, we fight everyday in order that Switzerland can promote peace globally. And we thing that all the people of the world should struggle for peace. And struggle for peace starts with the independence of all nations of the world from the oppression of Atlantic Imperialism. Now that ever, is important that all true anti-imperialist forces unite themselves in the fight for a brighter future for all.