우크라이나와 코리아에서의 미국의 침략에 대해
호세 마리아 시손 Jose Maria Sison | ILPS명예의장
우크라이나에서의 침략과 반격
… 1990년대 미국과 나토는 유고슬라비아 침략전쟁을 통해 유고슬라비아를 파괴했으며 나토의 군사기지와 미사일을 러시아국경에 배치하며 나토의 팽창을 진행했다. 또한 침략전쟁을 중앙아시아·서아시아·아프리카까지 확대했다.
2008 미국과 나토는 우크라이나와 전소련국가들을 전복시키기 시작했다. 러시아혐오를 조장해 2014 키예프에 파쇼정권을 수립하기 위해 2014 마이단쿠데타를 조직하고 합법적으로 세워진 우크라이나정부를 전복시킨것일수도 있다. 그뒤로 1만4000명의 러시아계우크라이나인들을 학살하고 370만명을 강제로 추방시키면서 8년이 넘도록 돈바스지역의 도시와 러시아계공동체에서 러시아어사용을 금지시켰다.
… 푸틴이 밝힌 우크라이나파시스트들에 대항하는 특수군사작전은 사실 미국·나토·우크라이나파시스트꼭두각시들이 우크라이나내 러시아계주민을 향해 선제공격한것에 대한 반격이며 여기에는 러시아올리가르히(신흥재벌)와 미국과 나토의 꼭두각시로 전락한 우크라이나올리가르히간의 모순도 어느 정도 있다.
코리아에서의 미국의 침략위협
… 남코리아에서는 미제국주의가 꼭두각시나라의 주인으로 있으며 남북으로 나뉘어진 전체코리아민족의 평화적통일을 적극적으로 방해하고있다. 미제국주의가 부당하게 코리아민족의 통일을 가로막고 1953 정전협정이후 모든 종류의 대북금수조치와 무력도발을 촉발시켜온지 오래됐다.
남북정부가 주도해 협상하고 점진적으로 어떤 선언들을 맺어왔기에 지금까지 전쟁을 피할수 있었다. 그러나 … 미국은 경제제재와 미끼전술, 미남합동군사연습과 간헐적인 평화협상등 강경책과 회유책을 섞어서 북을 궁지로 몰고 결국 자본주의적으로 미국과 남대리정권에 예속되는 방식으로 남과 통일하도록 유도할수 있을것이라는 환상을 품고있다.
… 하지만 북은 주체와 선군의 원리로 지도된다. 북은 민족자주와 사회주의를 철저히 옹호하며 핵무기와 미사일을 포함해 강력한 국가방위력을 지니고있다. 북은 미국과 그의 전통적인 제국주의동맹국들의 핵무기를 중립화하고 교착상태에 빠뜨리기 위해 스스로 핵무장했다.
… 그럼에도 불구하고 미국은 북과 중국을 위협하기 위해 이미 2만8000명의 미군이 주둔하고있는 남코리아에 사드미사일체계를 배치했다. 그러면서도 북과 중국이 동아시아에서 침략적이고 무모한것처럼 보이도록 가차없이 악선전하는것이 바로 미국이다.
… 미국과 기업언론들은 중국이 대만을 <침략>하려고 위협한다고 대대적으로 보도한다. 그리고 미국·영국·호주·인도의 쿼드가 아시아판나토이며 대만은 아시아의 우크라이나로, 거대한 침략자 중국의 위협아래 있다고까지 묘사한다. 하지만 대만의 경우 미국은 상하이코뮈니케에서 대만이 중국의 일부임을 오랜 기간 인정해왔다.
… 제국주의간 전쟁이 곧 닥칠것같은 긴장과 위험이 있는 곳은 유럽과 동아시아태평양지역뿐만이 아니다. … 미국은 중앙아시아·서아시아·북아프리카·남아프리카·라틴아메리카에서 제국주의국가들이 직접 조우하게 되는 긴장·분쟁지역·대리전·계산된 사건들을 계속해서 촉발할것이다. 제국주의간 모순은 많은 지역과 영역에서 수면위로 전면에 등장하고있다.
On US aggression in Ukraine and Korea
Jose Maria Sison | Chairperson Emeritus International League of Peoples’ Struggle
발췌 extracted
Let me discuss the serious concern that US imperialism and its allies are the factors and promoters of aggression in the Ukraine and South Korea and that the proletariat and people of the world must do what they can in order to prevent imperialist war. It is in the nature of imperialist powers to be aggressive in order to redivide the world that had already been divided in a previous balance of power.
Since its advent in several countries in the early 20th century, monopoly capitalism has caused the most destructive world wars due to its relentless drive for expansion. Between wars, imperialist powers have stepped up military production to earn profits from the potential sale and lend-lease of weapons and widen the prospects of expanding economic territory to counter the ever pressing crisis of overproduction, over-accumulation of capital and the falling rate of profits.
Imperialist powers are prone to become fascist when they are unable to solve the crisis and rule in the old way. For an extended period, such as that after the Soviet Union broke the US nuclear monopoly in 1949, the imperialist powers have been able to avoid direct wars among themselves involving the use of the most powerful weapons that they have, namely the nuclear weapons, because of the fear of mutually assured destruction.
Thus, for 73 years already, the imperialist powers have avoided nuclear war and concentrated on how to oppress and exploit the people and nations in the third world and how to carry out wars of aggression against them or even engage in proxy inter-imperialist wars without the use of nuclear weapons. But today the crisis of the world capitalism system has become so grave that US imperialism has engaged in provocations and counter-provocations that easily lead to the implied or explicit threats and counter-threats of nuclear war.
Aggression and Counter-Aggression in Ukraine
… Particularly since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, US imperialism has become more arrogant and aggressive with the notion of being forever the sole superpower in charge of new world order and with the license to use the full-spectrum of its power and the NATO to dominate Europe and the whole world.
The US has violated the Minsk Agreement of 1991 in which assurances were made against the expansion of the NATO in exchange for the reunification of Germany, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the dismantling of the Warsaw Pact. Within the 1990s, the US and NATO waged a war of aggression against Yugoslavia and destroyed it and proceeded to expand the NATO, its military bases and missile deployment to the borders of Russia. They also extended their wars of aggression to Central Asia, West Asia and Africa.
In 2008 the US and NATO started to subvert Ukraine and other former Soviet republics. By 2013 they could carry out the Maidan protest movement and overthrow the legally elected government of Ukraine in order to set up a Russophobic and fascist regime in Kyiv in 2014 and subsequently for more than 8 years prohibit the use of the Russian language among Russian Ukrainians in the cities and the Russian communities in the Donbas region, unleashed the massacre of 14,000 Russian Ukrainians and forced the exile of 3.7 million of them.
What Putin has called a <special military operation> against the Ukrainian fascists, with some wrong and inappropriate comments against Lenin and Stalin on the question of state sovereignty and the right of national minorities to self-determination, is actually an operation of counter-aggression against the prior aggression of the US, NATO and the Ukrainian fascist puppets against the Russian nationality in Ukraine, even as there is a certain measure of contradictions among the Russian oligarchs and Ukrainian oligarchs who have become US and NATO puppets.
The armed conflict that has already developed between Russia and Ukraine since February 24 can be solved by the protagonists themselves through peace negotiations if they cut off the interventions, interferences and military supplies of the US and NATO to their Ukrainian puppets.
In this regard, the Ukrainian fascists should stop to pipedream that they can and must die for the US and NATO to the last Ukrainian.
… There are those who demand in the name of revolutionary principle that Russia must unilaterally cease and desist from waging war against Ukraine. How can it do so, in compliance with its own previous assertion that it has no intention of occupying and taking over Ukraine, in the face of the fact that the US and the Zelensky regime keep on boasting about escalating military supplies from the US and NATO and receiving USD 300 million and then another USD 33 billion worth of US military supplies in order to prolong the Russia-Ukraine conflict and to weaken and degrade Russia?
The US is deliberately trying to prolong the Ukraine-Russian armed conflict not only to weaken and degrade Russia but also to expand and consolidate its control over the European Union and Eastern Europe. At the same time, it is unwittingly driving Russia and China to strengthen their back-to-back alliance, such strategic projects as the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative and further alliances as the BRICs and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
The anti-war movement of the proletariat and people must work harder to stop the aggressions of the US and NATO before the anti-war movement within Russia and Ukraine can persuade effectively the former to stop its military operations against the latter because it has already degraded the military capabilities of Ukraine and is already attacking the new military supplies from the US and NATO.
US Threats of Aggression in Korea
It is pertinent to discuss in your conference the case of South Korea, in which US imperialism also stands as a foreign master of the puppet state and which actively prevents the peaceful reunification of the entire Korean nation governed by the Republic of Korea in the South and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the North. It has taken such a long time that US imperialism has unjustly prevented the reunification of the Korean nation and unleashed all kinds of embargoes and military provocations against the North since the Armistice in 1953.
War has so far been averted because the governments of the South and North have taken initiatives to negotiate and make certain incremental agreements with each other. But of course US imperialist control of the South Korean puppet republic is still very much manifest in so many ways, including the persistence of US military forces in South Korea and the military exercises aimed at intimidating the DPRK.
The US harbors the illusion that it can use a combination of hard and soft tactics, including economic sanctions and baits, joint US-ROK military exercises and intermittent peace negotiations, to hold the DPRK at bay and eventually entice it to reunify with the South under the terms of capitalism and subordination to the US and the south Korean puppets. Because the US has long become aware that it cannot conquer the DPRK, it dreams of being able to persuade the DPRK to follow the US-ROK terms of reunifying Korea.
But the DPRK has been guided by its principles of Juche and Songun. It has stood for full national independence and socialism and has strong national defense, including nuclear weapons and missiles. By itself, the DPRK has nuclear weapons to neutralize and put in a stalemate the nuclear weapons of the US and its traditional imperialist allies. Moreover, the traditional imperialist powers cannot wage a nuclear weapon against DPRK without destroying South Korea and substantial parts of the new imperialist powers, Russia and China.
The balance among the nuclear powers of East Asia is such that not a single one can afford to be reckless or give itself small margins of safety. The inability of the US to use the nuclear weapons against DPRK and China have long been proven since 1949 when the Soviet Union broke the nuclear monopoly of the US and in the course of the US war of aggression against Korea when US President Truman and the strategic advisers rebuffed the recommendation of General Douglas MacArthur to use the nuclear weapons.
Nevertheless the US set up the THAAD missile system in South Korea, which currently hosts over 28,000 US troops, in order to threaten both DPRK and China. And yet it is the one relentlessly using propaganda to misrepresent the DPRK and China as being aggressive and reckless in East Asia. It plays up the missile tests of the DPRK to exaggerate its nuclear capabilities.
… The US and corporate press play up China as threatening to <invade> Taiwan. And they go to the extent of depicting the QUAD of the US, UK, Australia and India as the NATO equivalent in Asia and Taiwan as the Ukraine of Asia under the threat of China as a giant aggressor. But in the case of Taiwan, the US has long conceded in the Shanghai Communique that Taiwan is part of China.
In the months and years to come, we expect tensions to arise and re-arise in the East Asia-Pacific region down to the Indian Ocean in the Indo-Pacific route, with US imperialism trying in the name of freedom of navigation to counter Chinese imperialist expansionism in the Pacific region. At the same time, the US is continuing efforts to cut down the trade surpluses of China and the amount of surplus capital that it can use in order to undermine the debt-burdened Chinese economy and its Belt Road Initiative.
It is not only in Europe and in the East Asia-Pacific regions where tensions and the danger of inter-imperialist war looms. US imperialism is trying in vain to stop its strategic decline. It has lost its status as the sole superpower in an increasingly multipolar world since the 2008 financial crash developed into a global economic depression.
… The point has been reached that the imperialist powers themselves are seeing more frequently their direct collisions because the neoliberal policy of imperialist globalization and taking superprofits from extractive enterprises and arms sales; and the neoconservative policy of promoting state terrorism, fascism and wars of aggression mainly at the expense of the oppressed peoples and nations are unravelling.
The intensifying inter-imperialist contradictions are also inflaming and generating the contradictions between monopoly capital and labor in the imperialist countries, between the imperialist powers and the oppressed peoples and nations and between the imperialist powers and states that are independent, democratic and have socialist programs and aspirations. On the basis of these intensifying contradictions, various types of anti-imperialist, anti-fascist and anti-war forces and alliances can be built and strengthened in order to avert and counter imperialist domination, fascism and wars of aggression.
The tendency of the traditional imperialist powers headed by the US and the new imperialist powers like China and Russia to aggravate the crisis of the world capitalist system and threaten the proletariat and people of the world with the rise of fascism and wars of aggression can be countered by the anti-imperialist, anti-fascist and anti-war movements of the proletariat and people within the imperialist countries themselves and by the assertion and realization of national and social liberation by the oppressed peoples and nations in the underdeveloped countries and by the states that are anti-imperialist and democratic and have socialist programs and aspirations.