[2022파리국제컨퍼런스] 전세계노동계급과민중이반제투쟁벌여야할때


피터 와이스페닝 Peter Weispfenning | 독일MLPD대변인 

우크라이나위기는 공공연한 세계의 위기를 반영하고있다. MLPD중앙위는 이를 다음과 같이 평가한다. 우리는 공공연한 정치적, 경제적, 생태적, 그리고 군사적 세계위기에 따라 제국주의체제의 불안정성이 가속화되는 국면을 마주하고있다. 이는 빠르고 명백한 변화다. 이단계가 지속되는한 답은 오직 2가지뿐이다. 모든 제국주의세력들이 적극적으로 준비해온 3차세계대전, 혹은 국제적인 사회주의혁명이다. 세계대전과 파시즘의 위험에 대한 적극적인 저항은 국제적인 사회주의혁명을 준비하는데 한구성요소다.

… 우크라이나전은 양편 모두 부정의의 전쟁이다. 신제국주의러시아는 확실한 침략자다. 그러나 미제국주의는 여전히 전세계적으로 주된 호전광이다. 나토와 EU(유럽연합)는 수년간 침략적인 동진을 추구해왔으며 극도로 도발적이고 공격적인 방식으로 가동되고있다. 핀란드와 스웨덴의 가입을 승인하면 나토는 직접적으로 러시아국경에 1300km 더 전진하며 고도로 전문화된 2개의 군대를 나토무력으로 통합하게 된다. 한편 나토측에서는 러시아가 더이상 강대국의 목표를 지향할수 없을 정도로 경제적, 정치적 그리고 군사적으로 약화시키려는 목적을 공개적으로 추진하고있다. 러시아측에서는 추후 신흥강대국이 되기 위한 기반으로 우크라이나를 합병하고 (러시아)서쪽으로 나토의 진출을 막고자한다. …

간접적으로 러시아와 미국·나토간의 갈등에서 중국과의 경쟁도 더욱 격화되고있다. …

두제국주의진영은 이전쟁에서 승리를 기대하고있다. 이는 매우 위험하다. 양측은 모두 적극적으로 3차세계대전을 준비하고있다. 핵전쟁의 위험은 매우 현재적이고 현실적이다. 

… 우크라이나 젤렌스키정부는 매우 반동적이며 노골적인 반공·반노동정부이다. 유럽에서는 우크라이나가 민주주의와 자유의 수호자처럼 그려지지만 젤렌스키는 야당(정당활동)금지와 언론통제를 실시하고있다.

사민당(SPD)·녹색당(Green)·자유민주당(FDP)정권하에서 독일의 재무장화에 <특별기금>으로 1000억유로를 쓰고 나아가 매년 700억유로를 투여하는것은 뻔한 결과다. 최첨단 대공전차와 자주곡사포같은 중무기를 공급하고 우크라이나군인들을 훈련시키면서 독일은 점차 전쟁의 일원이 되고있다. … 

현정세를 고려해서 MLPD는 국제사회주의혁명을 위한 투쟁의 학교로서 3차세계대전에 맞서는 가열한 저항을 조직하는데 집중하고있다. 그리스와 이탈리아의 항구노동자들이 군수물자조달에 반대해 파업과 봉쇄를 전개했듯이 노동계급이 선도적인 역할을 해야한다. 이는 추가적인 임금인상을 요구하는 독자적인 투쟁과 위기와 전쟁의 짐을 대중들에게 지우는것을 반대하는 투쟁을 관통시켜야한다.

청년들은 실천적인 전위로서 자신의 역할을 다해야하며 전투적인 여성운동은 노동계급과 민중운동의 연결고리다. …

… 이제는 전세계 노동계급과 민중의 반제연합을 위해 투쟁할때다. 

… 우리는 미제국주의의 사주로 진행된 1948이래 분단에 맞서 강력한 평화운동을 펼치며 정의롭게 투쟁하는 코리아노동계급과 민중들의 투쟁에 연대한다.

“The danger of nuclear war is very present and realistic”

Peter Weispfenning | MLPD

Dear comrades,

I convey the warm regards of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany to the international conference “Beyond War: From Ukraine to South Corea.”

The Ukraine crisis entails an overt world crisis. The Central Committee of the MLPD has this assessment of the developments: “We are in a phase of the accelerated destabilization of the imperialist world system on the basis of an overt political, economic, ecological and military world crisis. This is a phase of rapid and obvious changes. A long as this phase lasts it permits of only two solutions: a third world war, actively prepared by all imperialists, or the international socialist revolution. … The active resistance against the danger of world war and fascism is a component part of the preparation of the international socialist revolution.”

The MLPD is actively contributing to the building of a new peace movement in Germany and, as part of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations (ICOR), to the building of the international anti-fascist and anti-imperialist united front.

The war in Ukraine is an unjust war on all sides. New-imperialist Russia is the concrete aggressor. US imperialism, however, remains the main warmonger worldwide! NATO and EU have been pursuing an aggressive eastward expansion for years and operate in an extremely provocative and aggravating way. With the admission of Finland and Sweden, NATO advances directly up to the Russian frontier over a further stretch of 1,300km and integrates two highly specialized armies in its armed forces. Parts of NATO meanwhile openly pursue the goal of weakening Russia economically, politically and militarily to such an extent that it no longer can pursue Great Power aims. Russia for its part wants to incorporate Ukraine as basis for a future rising Great Power and stop NATO’s advance on its western flank. Its plan for a quick “decapitation strike” failed. However, Russia is intensifying its war in East Ukraine and slowly gaining ground there.

Indirectly, in the conflict between Russia and the USA and NATO the rivalry with China also is being further fought out. It is as Lenin said: The uneven economic development of countries leads in imperialism to wars in a law-governed way.

Both imperialist camps are banking on victory in this war. This is highly dangerous. All sides are actively preparing a Third World War. The danger of nuclear war is therefore very present and very real. 

The Ukrainian government under Zelensky also is ultra-reactionary, openly anticommunist, and anti-labor. While Ukraine is pictured in Europe as the defender of democracy and freedom, with the banning of oppositional parties and the Gleichschaltung of the media, Zelensky, similar to Putin in Russia, currently is executing the transition to fascism through martial law. The Ukrainian people are in a complicated situation. Naturally they have the right to defend themselves against the Russian aggressor, but must fight a war on two fronts in order to overcome their own government, too, by revolution. The MLPD is against the supply of weapons to Ukraine. Not out of pacifism. When the Kurdish people heroically fought against the fascist “Islamic State” in North Syria in 2014/2015, the MLPD called for the delivery of weapons. But we reject the delivery of weapons to reactionary regimes that fight on the side of an imperialist. 

The old peace movement in Germany was largely influenced by revisionist and left-reformist parties and has stumbled into an open crisis. They had not thought it possible that Russia would begin a war, because they had focused their attention only on US imperialism, doubtless the main warmonger worldwide, and denied Russia’s new-imperialist character. 

As early as 2017 the MLPD characterized Russia and 13 other countries as new-imperialist. Our brochure, On the Emergence of the New-Imperialist Countries, states: “The rise of new-imperialist countries shakes the existing fabric of the imperialist world system. China and Russia are imperialist Great Powers in world politics – Russia mainly militarily. China is on the way to becoming a superpower and, in the struggle for world supremacy, increasingly is the chief strategic rival of US imperialism, which continues aggressively to pursue its aspiration to world domination economically, politically and militarily.”

The Secretariat of the Executive Committee of the revisionist “German Communist Party” DKP, in contrast, published a statement on 4 March 2022 in which it did not criticize, let alone condemn, the Russian aggression with even a single word, but pointed to the allegedly “justified claims” of Russia. Starting from the denial of the new-imperialist development of Russia and China, opportunism is going over to social-chauvinism. Leading members of the party DIE LINKE are backing German imperialism in their social-chauvinism. Bodo Ramelow, Minister-President of Thuringia and member of DIE LINKE, declared at a peace rally on 2 March 2022 in Gera: “We are at war. … Now the important thing for us is to stand together across party lines. … The situation now calls for us to act militarily.” We, in contrast, take the side of the great German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht, who said: “The main enemy is in your own country!” 

The party of the “Greens”, on the other hand, within a few weeks has become the most vehement warmonger in spite of its petty-bourgeois pacifist roots. Under the leadership of the SPD/“Green”/FDP government, the rearmament of the German armed forces with a 100 billion euro “special fund” and in future more than 70 billion euros annually is a foregone conclusion. With the delivery of heavy weapons, like highly developed anti-aircraft tanks and self-propelled howitzers, and the training of Ukrainian soldiers, Germany itself increasingly is becoming a party to the war. At the same time, a dispute has flared up over this course – for one thing because there are major contradictions to it in the mass base of SPD and “Greens”; another reason is that a part of the leading German monopolies are not yet willing to give up the economic links with Russia. 

Among the working class and the masses the dissatisfaction is growing, but the tactics of confusion used by those in power – the “Greens”, for instance, sell the war policy as necessary solidarity with the people in Ukraine – still is effective in this phase. 

It was very important that the Internationalist Alliance together with the MLPD as active supporter organized a first independent, bigger demonstration with 1,500 participants on 8 May against the danger of a Third World War and all imperialists. 

In view of this situation the MLPD is concentrating on organizing active resistance against a Third World War as school of struggle for the international socialist revolution. The working class must assume the leading role in this, as in Greece and Italy with strikes and blockades of the dockworkers against the shipping of military goods. This must interpenetrate with the independent struggle for supplementary wage increases and the fight against the shifting of the burdens of crisis and war to the masses. The youth must play their role as practical vanguard, and the militant women’s movement is the link between the working-class and people’s movements. The MLPD is building up local resistance groups together with its youth league. Active resistance requires a higher level of consciousness: 

– From rejection, mere discontent and passivity to an active position and role. 

– From the effect of societal confusion, disorientation, disorganization and demoralization to a proletarian class viewpoint.

– Increasingly more conscious overcoming of the manipulation of public opinion. 

– Willingness to get organized – first in resistance groups and self-run organizations of the masses, then in the revolutionary party.

The masses must and will gather their experience with this development and assess it with the help of the Marxist-Leninists! In Sri Lanka the rampant inflation already has led to a revolutionary situation; the government was toppled by mass protests. However, the struggle of the masses needs a positive societal alternative, genuine socialism. The ideological struggle against opportunism and anticommunism is a key to this. 

The MLPD is helping to build the international united front against fascism and war. On 15 May a webinar with more than 100 participants from at least 22 countries took place. It called for an “Immediate end to this war!” and linked the fight against the war in Ukraine and the danger of world war with the liberation struggle of the Kurdish people or also the Palestinian people. Now is the time to fight for an anti-imperialist union of the working class and the masses of people in the world. 

We are in solidarity with the struggle of the working class and the masses of Korea, which has a strong peace movement and justifiably fights against the division of the country since 1948, carried out at the instigation of US imperialism. The Korean peninsula today is one of the focal points of the inter-imperialist contradictions between the USA and China. South Korea itself has become one of the strongest new-imperialist countries, and there are indications of a stronger development to the right with the new president. The MLPD opposes the aggressive anticommunist baiting of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. We defend the heroic struggle of the Korean masses under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea in the Korean War and the hopeful beginnings of socialist construction. We defend North Korea today against the vile threats of US imperialism. However, we fundamentally criticize that there, as in all formerly socialist countries of the world, Marxism-Leninism was revised and capitalism restored. 

The MLPD is a member of ICOR, in which now 63 revolutionary parties and organizations from all continents have joined forces. The current global political situation underscores the necessity of the practical coordination and revolutionizing the struggles worldwide and of mutual cooperation in party building. In conjunction with this, in view of the process of re-orientation and re-formation taking place in the international revolutionary and working-class movement, an intensive ideological debate also is necessary against all varieties of opportunism and social-chauvinism.

Long live international solidarity!

Active resistance against a Third World War

and forward to the international socialist revolution! 

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